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营歌:我们在一起 Camp song: We Are Together

马来西亚郭林气功研究会沙亚南分会于2016年10月16-28日在Gold Coast Morib International Resort 举办 “北京郭林气功教学研习营"。我们非常荣幸能邀请到两位中国大名鼎鼎的郭林气功老师,孙云彩老师 (现定居加拿大)和姜寅生老师,远道而来和我们手牵手把郭林气功带到更高峰。

The Shah Alam Branch of Persatuan Guolin Qigong Malaysia organised Beijing Guolin Qigong Training Camp at Gold Coast Morib International Resort on 16-28 October 2016. We were very honoured to have two prominent Guolin Qigong masters from China, Madam Sun Yun Cai (now residing in Canada) and Master Jiang Yin Sheng, to coach our new members and share their knowledge and experience with our instructors.


